Ciao, I’m Jules!
Excited to see you here!
If you are here it means that you are a lover of anything travel, food and photography related.
Welcome to the club, you’re in good company!
Are you planning to improve your photography? You’re in the right place!
Stay tuned for my best tips and tutorials on how to create stunning food and travel images that tell a deeper story.
Are you seeking inspiration for your future travels? You’re in the right place!
Read stories of authentic people and cultures around the world, accompanied by evocative photography.
Get some serious wanderlust.
Curious about the best foodie trips and traditional specialities? You’re in the right place!
Let’s explore the food scene of countries together.
Or travel from your kitchen, cooking traditional recipes from locals everywhere.
I’m excited to have you here!
Who am I?
I am a professional food and travel photographer #dreamjob!
Over my 10-year career, I’ve shot everything from weddings, events, portraits, to shoes and fashion.
I only found my true vocation when I decided to specialise in food photography.
Then, I realized that a key piece was missing, so I crafted my niche into food and travel.
Now I combine all three things I am most passionate about in life and even make a living out of it!
I’ve worked for many amazing clients including National Geographic Traveller, The Sunday Times, and The Infatuation.
My story?
I was born in Rome and loved growing up there surrounded by amazing family and friends!
My mum is a nurse. She’s always worked her ass off.
She’s also the happiest and most energetic person I know!
Always positive and with a huge smile on her face, despite fatigue and difficulties.
She says that if you do a job you love, you won’t have to work a day in your life.
My dad is a vintage man. He shoots on old, restored film cameras and speaks in Latin quotes.
One of his favourites is “faber est quisque fortunae suae” – each man is the maker of his own fortune.
He inspired my young mind to wonder at the beauty in the world and to dig deeper into understanding it.
He’s been my mentor, he taught me how to express my creativity on film, and how to develop it in the darkroom.
My brother is my rock, best friend and favourite travel companion.
He’s younger than me and he’s definitely the responsible one.
But he’s always supported me in my crazy endeavours.
We had many adventures together and he encourages me to dream bigger and have many more!
And he’s single, ladies. A real catch!!
Like many of you, I graduated in something completely unrelated to what I do now.
I was a speech and language therapist once!
Amazing job, helping children communicate and overcome their learning difficulties was incredibly rewarding.
Yet, my passion for exploring the world with a camera was too strong.
So I decided to pursue my childhood dream to become a photographer and storyteller.
I moved to London alone, speaking no English.
I worked in a coffee shop while studying the language and building my photography business from scratch.
I have been doing that ever since and loved every second of it!
I still love making coffee and my retirement plan is to open a coffee shop in a small town, bake cakes and make friends with the locals!
For now, I plan on living nomadically, travelling with my camera and telling stories of extraordinary people, culture, and food.
My aim is to inspire you to live your best life and go explore the beauty in the world.
Go further, be curious and dig deeper.
Our world is beautiful and I help you capture it 🙂
May the Light be with you

Fun Fact
The Italian spelling of my name is actually Giulia.
It’s pronounced “Julia” and it comes from the Gens Julia, the Latin family of Julius Caesar,
one of the most ancient families in Rome during republican times.
Yes, my parents are nerds.
I am not an island
I want to mention some people other than my family, without whom I wouldn’t be half of what I am today.
And further from where I wish to be.
Elena, my sister and courage.
Fulvio, my conscience. fulvioflamini.com
Mela, my mentor. melaniaangeloro.com
Choosy, my team. choosy.agency
Hosam, my inspiration. www.linkedin.com/in/hosam-mazawi
Kurt, my voice. friendsofours.co